Are you struggling with dog training? Don’t worry, you’re not the first pet parent to feel overwhelmed or...
We’re often asked ‘where can I take my puppy to play?” - Here are our suggestions. Puppies learn...
Much as we all love our dogs, it’s impossible to give them our full attention 24/7. There are times when...
It’s the most important thing you can do for your puppy. But what is puppy socialisation and what is the best...
Some trainers will tell you that puppy training starts from the moment you walk away from the breeder’s home...
Thinking of adopting a puppy or a dog? Careful research now could save you some headaches in the future. Here...
Guy Fawkes Night is over for now and New Year’s Eve is on its way. How well does your dog cope with fireworks...
How to play with your dog Want to build strong bonds with your pet? There’s no better way to enrich both of your...
All of the dog training at CK9 is reward based. Which means that when your pup does the right thing - he gets a treat....
Go on a Sniffari Enjoy a Picnic together Create a sensory garden Tackle those training problems you’ve been...
We’re excited to announce that CK9 has been named Dog Trainer of The Year by Corporate LiveWire After a challenging...
Do you think your dog may have separation anxiety? Chantal Karyta, owner of CK9 Training, is a separation anxiety pro...