It’s probably one of the most important things you need your puppy to learn and one of the things we’re often...
2020 has been an odd sort of a year and for most of us, our dogs have been a comfort and a joy. I’m going to be...
Does your pet get overexcited at the simplest things? Here are our tips on how to calm an excitable dog. We’ve...
Don’t believe anyone who tells you that dogs can’t talk. They can! Dogs use behaviour and body language to...
If you’ve tried dog grooming for the first time during lockdown you’ll know how important it is that your pet...
As lockdown lifts you may be wondering when to start dog training classes. Here’s the advice from Cruft’s agility...
I can’t stress enough the importance of socialisation for puppies and dogs, but how do you go about it during...
To be honest, all a trick is, is a taught behaviour. Whether we are teaching a dog to sit, lay down, to come, to...
With the Coronavirus spreading and restrictions on going out are getting tighter, what on earth do you do if you are a...
There are a whole host of dog training tools available to buy, but which dog training collar is best for your dog. We...
Aggression in dogs is a complex problem but yes, with the right guidance, dog training can usually help with...
Online dog training sessions from CK9 are perfect for owners who can’t get to class or are more in need of pointers...